Our Mission
Perhaps you’re like us. You could have received great medical care as a child with arthrogryposis. Your surgeons, physical therapists, and rehab doctors might have helped you navigate numerous operations and your parents and care givers gave you the best care they could. And then, as you reached adulthood, maybe you felt like you dropped off the medical map. What would it be like to age with the condition? Would you be in pain? Would you lose the abilities you worked so hard to gain as a child? And as you grew desperate for answers to these questions, you sensed frustration at the lack of attention, resources, and research dedicated to the adult population.
Be encouraged. There is hope. We are committed to offering adults with arthrogryposis the opportunity to be a part of the most innovative research on aging with the condition. Together, we can offer our collective experiences to ensure adults have resources and information about what to expect as they grow older.