Participate in Research
You can directly contribute to AMC Research by participating in the online registry. You can keep in touch by signing up for our newsletter. And you can interact with other adults with AMC by joining one of the Facebook groups.
AMC Research Study - Online Registry
We need your help to improve the current understanding and therapies for various types of AMC. As researchers, we have created an online database for “Adults with AMC” which was created by researchers, clinicians AND adults with AMC on the demographic, medical, and lifestyle factors of patients with AMC. This information can help in understanding what happens to people with AMC as they age, from late adolescence to older adults. If you participate in this registry, your data would be entirely anonymous and confidential.
Find out more on how you can get involved:
Consent Form
If you are interested in the study, please email Dr. Bonita Sawatzky at:
* This registry has been funded in part by the grant-in aid at the Canadian Institute for Health Research, the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, & AMCSI.
online communities
Have you ever met other adults with arthrogryposis? If not, join these Facebook groups to connect to other adults like you.
Adults with Arthrogryposis:
Female Adults with Arthrogryposis:
AMC Research provides newsletters throughout the year updating you on our latest research and the progress of our international registry. Email us to stay connected and receive our newsletters.