AMC Resources

Online Communities:

Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita Support, Inc (AMSCI)

An organization dedicated to encouraging and advocating for support among people living with AMC and their families by providing education, awareness, and opportunities to collaborate at conferences, meetings, and studies.

Adults with Arthrogryposis

A community dedicated to adults living with AMC.

Physical Activity & Mobility:

24 Hour Movement Guidelines

Evidence and research-based guidelines on physical activity recommendations, highlighting many aspects and environmental factors that can affect physical activity at specific age groups.

Assistive Grasping Devices

A short, informative video on selecting the best assistive grasping device for the exercise and equipment

The Movement for All Lab

A centralized hub of trainings, tools, interventions and experiential learning opportunities to support the physical activity of those living with a disability

Beyond the Chair

These exercise videos demonstrate spinal cord injury (SCI) patients practicing adaptive workout exercises, that may be applicable or inspire innovative ways to adapt your own personal workouts and exercises.

AMC Community Members:

Misha “Dream” Walker

Born with AMC, her diagnosis was that she would never move independently, walk or have a happy life, however, she proved the odds wrong and Misha walks, travels the world, and lives happily. Through the Dream Walker Project, she connects people with AMC and their families across the globe to promote representation and spread awareness.